Another travel blogger, really?

I never really imagined myself as a travel blogger. To be honest, I’m not very qualified. I’ve barely even left the country, and the one time I did I was probably 16 years old and way too young to appreciate what I was experiencing. In fact, when I told my coworkers I was thinking about doing this, they strongly discouraged it. “Do you know how many nurse friends I have that have travel blogs?” Meh, I don’t really care. I think I do have a little bit to offer. Not only do I travel regularly with my husband, but I also go on plenty of girls trips, travel with my dog, and I fell head over heels in love with solo traveling over the past few years. I’ve driven cross-country, I’ve flown. I may even take a train or two one day. I fully intend to leave the country at some point. You can watch me grow on this website. If nothing else, it’s just a fun place for me to keep my memories sorted. Who knows, maybe I’ll make it big on this thing. A girl can dream. It’s not about that though. If I can just convince one person to get out of their comfort zone and travel on their own, it will be worth the time.

Here’s a little bit about me. I’m a nurse in my late 30’s. I live in Wisconsin. I have a husband, a dog who can’t be kenneled due to extremely high anxiety (hence the many tips on traveling with a dog), and no children. I work 3 12 hour shifts a week. The beauty of being a nurse is that when you work 3 days a week, and that includes weekends and holidays, you can work your schedule to get yourself a full week off of work. Work Sunday through Tuesday, be off Wednesday through Wednesday, work Thursday through Saturday. Boom—week off, no PTO required! This is why I learned how to travel solo. My husband works 50+ hours a week, has minimal PTO to use, and often works 10+ days in a row. I just can’t sit at home all that time when there’s a whole world to see!

My husband has a very unfortunate fear of flying, so when we travel together we do really fun cross-country road trips. I absolutely love these, don’t get me wrong, but over the years they’ve become a little repetitive. Nothing wrong with that. We have tons of favorite spots to visit, and I love that we get to go back to them frequently. We sure know how to make the most of all of our time together! There’s just still so much more to see. Ride along with me while I just do what I do. Any helpful travel tips will be welcomed! Let’s just all have a good time.

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