Viroqua, WI

Estimated read time 4 min read

I’m still getting used to editing a website, so I’m going to start with a small trip I took earlier this summer. I was going through a tough personal situation, and wanted to get away for a couple of days to clear my head. One of my favorite things to do is to go onto Airbnb, and just type in my home state of Wisconsin, and see what places are available in the moment. I love the spontaneity of having to choose a place at the last minute based on what is left.

This time, this brought me to Viroqua, WI. It’s a town just over two hours away, less than 5,000 people, nestled in the Driftless region, and home to an Amish community. I had a budget of around $300. I found a small “tiny house” located on a farm, set back in a wooded area. Small, private, comfortable….perfect!

There was no TV, but decent Wi-Fi, and this was where I finally made my first post to this site. Best of all, I got to bring my dog.

I arrived here on a Friday night, and the owner of the Airbnb property sells pizza and beer out of his barn to the local community every Friday. I pre-ordered a mushroom and sausage pizza, and merely had to walk a few feet from my place to pick it up. It was a great meal, and perfect for the first night when I wanted to get settled in and not have to run out for food.

There was also a band playing, and outdoor seating near the barn for people to enjoy their food. The place was packed with locals. As I mentioned, I wanted to settle in, and I didn’t want to leave my dog alone right away, so I enjoyed mine in private.

Saturday morning I cooked breakfast, and had my first experience with a pour over coffee maker. I then ventured into town, which took awhile because the roads wind around, and I was behind an Amish carriage. The Amish prefer not to be photographed, so I will leave that part out. I enjoyed seeing their houses; the people working, the clothes out on the line, all the door and windows open on a hot day. I wanted to stop in somewhere and purchase some eggs, but I was a little nervous.

In town, there was a public market that I shopped in briefly, and then I walked to the local bookstore, which is located inside of an old tobacco plant. The books were a little disorganized, and I struggled to find something that interested me. No purchases were made, but I loved just walking around and taking in the sight and smell of all of those old books!

After the walk to the bookstore, I was hot and in need of refreshment, so I drove to nearby Branches winery. I purchased a glass of wine, and sat outside looking at all of the grapevines, and enjoyed the shade. As a side note, dogs are welcome at this brewery! I did not bring mine, as it was a very hot day and she doesn’t like to be hot for too long.

I had only the one glass of wine, and decided to head back to the cabin and let my dog out. That night, I cooked a dinner for myself, grabbed a beer, and started my travel blog. Later I fell asleep in my loft bed reading an excellent book that I had brought with me.

This was a wonderful weekend away to clear my head, and if you ever find yourself in this area, I highly recommend it. There is also a brewery nearby, but that was unfortunately closed for the week when I was there, to allow the staff to enjoy a summer vacation. Also in nearby Spring Green, WI, you could visit the House on the Rock, or Taliesin—an estate created by architect Frank Lloyd Wright. I wish that I had had more than the two nights to explore the area, and I will definitely head back someday with more of a plan in place!

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